Friday, September 27, 2013

Using the Pic Collage App as a Graphic Organizer for Vocabulary Instruction

Pic Collage is one of my favorite iPad apps. In the short video demonstration below I show how to use the frame tool to set up a basic vocabulary template and look at some ways to use Pic Collage with students as a graphic organizer. 

Tip: The frame tool may not work for every graphic organizer layout you would like students to use. Take a picture of a Venn Diagram, Character map, etc. that you've used in the past and set the image as a background using the background tool instead of the frame tool. 

Video link

I'd also highly recommend this blog post by Joe Bower on the importance of direct vocabulary instruction tied to best practices. Pic Collage fits nicely with Step 3 (non-linguistic representation) of Marzano's vocabulary strategies.